Meet Paul Williams. Paul is a father of 3 children and a husband to his wife of over 30 years. Paul had grew up as a Christian and always had a dream of providing for his family and giving them the life he thought they deserved. As Paul's 3 kids grew up, Paul found himself in a very difficult financial position and had to make a change.

Paul began praying and asking God to provide a 6 figure income. Paul believed in his heart that God would indeed provide this job, but over time, the job did not magically appear. Paul had to make very difficult decisions while raising his children and trying to provide for them.

Finally, Paul had to take a leap of faith and chase his dream to provide for his family. Through his hard work and dedication, God opened incredible doors. In the end, God made a way for Paul to provide for his family, but the journey was not what Paul thought it would be.